+91 9421514907 | 9850970588 | 9579379859         irdssjalgaon1987@gmail.com

  • Propagation of sustainable agricultural techniques and technologies
  • To bring in use the environment-friendly technologies for poverty alleviation.
  • To develop leadership among the deprived women through social and economic empowerment
  • To organize the weaker sections especially the Dalits and Tribal.
  • To create health awareness to reduce the spread of communicable diseases and to apply indigenous systems for effective and cheaper treatment.
  • Mainstreaming of the deprived women into modern economic activities through micro-credit and feasible micro-enterprises.
  • To spread the fruits of modern science specially communication technologies for achieving the goals of sustainable development

Chairman Message

The Institute for Rural Development and Social services is formed in 1987 to serve the purpose of education in rural area.....


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